
Just Another Guy - About Page


I am just another guy living in the small sunny island of Singapore lor 😄. With some spare time on hand, I decided to start this site to share about the random musings from the daily grind. Along the way, I hope to contribute a little bit to the knowledge bubble and help someone out there in a way or another.


The pen has never been my forte, so please pardon me while I try my best to make the content easily digestible 😅. With limited experience with the pencil, I guess it is better for me to stick with the use of icons to illustrate the points.


Rather than limiting to some specific topics, Just Another Guy will be a place for anything under the sun. Okay lah, maybe more towards finances, technology and productivity since I’m a guy. Eventually, I hope that people reading this site will go “wah! someone actually thought about it!

Okay that’s about it. Thanks for reading!